How to fix if Cloud can't be connected

  • Updated

Before we get to the topic, please first make sure that you have correctly followed the procedure of connection.  Connect Device


There are many kinds of cases of Cloud connection failure. They could be very complicated while we’re trying to make it simple for you to understand. So we suggest you read this article in its entirety. It will guide you through some basic initial steps to effectively resolve a common cloud connection failure.


Before that, you need to know the following:

As we know, you can quickly check the connection status on the device's desktop. The icons will be marked when they’re not connected.

But for icons of Ethernet and WiFi, not being marked doesn’t mean that they’re fully connected to the Internet. It only refers to the device and Ethernet/WiFi are connected.

A successful connection to your network will result in a valid IP address and gateway, subnet, and DNS information (consistent with your network) displayed in the device menu's Ethernet/WIFI settings.  An unsuccessful connection will either display invalid or inconsistent data in the network settings on the device.


In this case, if you encounter the following situations:

a. Both Ethernet/WiFi and Cloud are failed in connection.

b. Ethernet/WiFi is connected but Cloud failed.

c. Cloud is connected but disconnected in a minute.


The possible reasons and how to do it are listed as follows. Please give these solutions a try


1. Internet environment.

Check the device setting to see if WAN mode is set to the connection method you choose. (Network -> Internet -> WAN mode)



2. WiFi signal is too weak.

Try to connect to a different WiFi. (5G WiFi is not supported.)

**The WiFi signal value only shows the signal strength. The WiFi might also be unstable or have a large delay if the signal strength value is in the suitable range.


3. Temporary delay in getting IP.

Try to connect the Ethernet/WiFi again. This problem might be caused by an unstable connection.


4. Enter the wrong Cloud ID and password

Cloud ID and password can be found in CrossChex Cloud "Settings" tab. Make sure they are correctly input.


5. You can restart the device. It’s a way that somehow works for each kind of case.



If Cloud still cannot be connected after trying the above, please contact us with a video showing all the settings and your procedure for connection. We’ll assist you further.


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