How to add records if employee forgets punch

  • Updated


This instruction will tell you how to add manual records. It is very common for employees to forget or miss punch. In this case, the system administrator needs to add records for them.


There are two methods to add records: 

1. Admin can add records on Record > Timesheets

Admin can add one or more records at a time.



2. Employees submit "Shift Request" to Admin to approve

Note: Before proceeding with the topic, it's important for you to know that employees are able to login CrossChex Cloud using their own account. Click to Learn How to Login as Employee?


There are 2 steps to complete. 

Step 1. Each employee has to apply for manual records at My Request page of employee account.


Step 2. His/her assigned supervisor(s) or system administrator(s) will be able to validate or reject each request individually at Attendance > Request page of the admin account. 

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