How can I schedule overnight shift on CrossChex Cloud

  • Updated


If you need to schedule a night shift that goes past midnight, you can edit Split Timesheets of the shift setting.

There is a "Split Timesheets" in the shift setting in both shift modes.




What's Split Timesheets?

Splitting the timesheets is mainly helpful for teams who have an unconventional work schedule, such as night shifts.

Normally, the default is set to 00:00 which means the start time of a new workday is 00:00. Also, the full period of the workday defaults to 24 hours and cannot be changed. Like a full working day spans from 00:00 to 23:59 or 3 am (current day) to 2:59 am (next day).

In this scenario, you have to change the start time of a new workday to a later time to ensure accurate calculation of the night shift. 


For Example

If today is Monday, 22 May, the employee's workday spans from 3:00 am (22 May) to 2:59 am (23 May). For the next day, it travels from 3:00 am (23 May) to 2:59 am (24 May).

If the employee

  • Clock in – 6:00 pm on Monday (22 May)
  • Break – 9:00 pm on Monday (22 May)
  • Clock in – 10:00 pm on Monday (22 May)
  • Clock out – 1:00 am on Tuesday (23 May)

Since the timesheets are split from 3:00 am onwards, the start time and the end time of your shift can only be from 3:00 am 22 May to 2:59 am 23 May.

If the employee clocks in at 4:00 am (23 May), this punch will be for 23 May as it is considered a new working day (spans from 3:00 am 23 May to 2:59 am 24 May).

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