Set Up Device Time

  • Updated


Once a device is connected to CrossChex Cloud, the device time should be set up on the cloud account. In this case, one cloud account can't manage devices that are in more than one time zone. Please make sure the device is connected to the cloud before setting up the time. Connect Device



Settings > General > Time & Dtae Setup



1. Time Zone

Select the time zone before daylight saving time is enabled. For example, select UTC-5 if it's in New York. 


Please make sure to select the correct time zone. Google it if you're not sure.

We don't recommend changing the time zone when you're not new to the cloud. It could be causing errors in the schedule and reports. 


2. Date Format

Select what you prefer.


3. Time format

Select what you prefer.

Note: It's possible that 12H will not be applied to the devices with lower firmware versions. If it does not apply, please get in touch with us.


4. DST (Daylight Saving Time)

This is the setting that enables daylight saving time.


DST Bias:

The DST bias adjusts the time to account for this shift so that systems and devices show the correct time during the period when DST is active.

It’s not allowed to enter negative numbers. It should be set to 1 generally.


Start Date and End Date:

Different countries could have different time differences for daylight saving.

Take the DST in the U.S., for example; the settings are shown in the image. It begins every year on the second Sunday of March at 2 am and ends every year on the first Sunday of November at 2 am.


If you are not sure what the DST is in your country, please google it.

When Handle DST is not 0, Start Time and End Time will be displayed for you to set.



1. Don't forget to click “confirm” to apply all the settings.

2. Please ensure that on the device the DST is closed and the time zone is the same as that on the cloud.


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