How to find your password

  • Updated


If you forget a password, please choose the following solutions based on the password type.

Device Password

For a brand new Anviz device to enter the menu, the default ID is "0" and the password is "12345".

If it's CX2/CX7 that can be connected to Cloud, you can find the device password from Organization>Device>Edit>Admin PIN Code on Cloud.

If it's CX2/CX7 that can't be connected to Cloud and the default password is not applicable, or you changed the password but forgot it when the device is not connected to Cloud, please get in touch with our Service Phone Call: 855-268-4948 (MON-FRI, 7 AM-5 PM Pacific Time)

If it's other models, please click here to follow the guidance. 

Super Admin Login Password

The super admin is the one whose employee ID is #1. 

If you still remember the login email, please click here to change the login password.

If you don't remember the login email, please contact us with your company ID or name.

Employee/Assigned Admin Account Password

If employees/assigned admin forget their account password, the super admin can reset the password from Organization>Employee>Edit>Role Settings which is where the admin sets the password for the employee in the first place.


Cloud Password

A cloud password is used to connect devices to the Cloud.

You can find it from Settings>Company on your Cloud.

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